Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cultivate a Culture of Kindness

Would you be willing to implement a culture of kindness in your home or company? That’s what Lisa Cotter Metwaly of Q Kindness Café in St. Paul is proposing.

All too often the Golden Rule is preached – literally - and yet it sometimes seems as if the general practice more closely resembles “Do unto others what they have done unto you” or “Do unto others when they have a specific need.” It isn’t really that we are overtly mean; in fact, most of us truly have great intentions. It’s just that we seem to react more often than we pro-act. We get busy and before we know it, we’re bringing casseroles when someone is sick (reacting) instead of when they are well (pro-acting).

Maybe that’s why Lisa’s idea struck such a deep chord. It’s so simple, but oh-my-goodness what could happen as a result. She suggests that we all designate the first week of each month as Celebrate Kindness Week. During that week, we each consciously initiate just one kind act each day and invite our families, friends, and employees/colleagues to join us. Simple things such as sharing something, calling someone to wish them well, letting someone go ahead of you in the checkout line, treating someone anonymously, sending a note or “thinking of you” email (not a forward), sincerely complimenting someone, smiling at strangers on the street, washing the dishes when it isn’t your turn. Use your imagination!

Then pay attention to what comes next because I can promise you it will be magic.

If the recipient notices and thanks you, share what’s up and invite them to join in by initiating an act of kindness of their own. Then you give a second act of kindness by allowing it to be their decision with no pressure or further input from you. If they don’t notice or thank you, treat it as an intentional anonymous gift and give the second act of kindness by allowing them to receive (or not) as they are able. Got a curmudgeon in your midst? The alchemy of kindness can transform the surliest of people!

But even more importantly, watch what happens in your own life. When you give kindness, you will literally be blown away by what you receive because giving kindness clears the space for you to receive kindness and lovely surprises of all variety. Consciously giving kindness always benefits both the giver and the receiver.

When you neglect or refuse to give kindness, your own “house” becomes cluttered with selfishness or worse. In a cluttered house, there is no room for you to receive. When you neglect or refuse to give kindness, you close yourself off from receiving kindness and won’t even notice those times when it is given to you. You could be the intended recipient yet unable to receive. You could literally die longing for kindness and seeking it elsewhere, blind to what is right before your eyes, never understanding the work that is required to receive kindness or keep it coming. We all want to receive kindness, but what are you willing to give in order to receive what you want? Start giving it now. Give first. THAT is the work that is required to open your eyes and to receive.

Are you in? Shall we unite and share the kindness that surrounds us? My guess is that once we start to consciously give kindness we won’t be able to contain it to one week a month.

And please be so kind as to share your results at the Q Kindness Café, 350 St. Peter Street, Saint Paul, MN or on Facebook at the Q Kindness Café Group!/pages/Saint-Paul-MN/The-Q-Kindness-Cafe/177961346376?ref=ts&__a=24&ajaxpipe=1

Kindness is contagious. Start an epidemic!

1 comment:

Mandy's Mom said...

Thank you for this, it is very well written and says it all!
I have been working to spread kindness in many forms since 2009 and I would like to be kind to you as well - if you visit my website and leave me your contact information I will send you something :)
May I add a link to it on my facebook as well as on my website - www.TheKindnessRevolution.ME