Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year

Bonne année…Prospero Año Nuevo… Prosit Neujahr… Sun nien fai lok… Gelukkig nieuwjaar… Hauoli Makahiki Hou… Shanah tovah… elamat Tahun Baru… no matter how you say it, Happy New Year!

Every January, we are offered a bright and shiny new year. What will you do with yours?

2009 was a difficult year for many of us, but I was shocked and dismayed to hear so many people say "Good riddance!" Was everything in the 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8760 hours, 525,600 minutes, or 31,536,000 seconds of 2009 really awful? Laurie Hiltz of Critical Thinkers wrote in her Facebook blog about a woman she knew who was out of work and complaining bitterly that 2009 was a terrible year. Really? During that time, her long-dormant creative energy kicked in and she produced glorious gardens, turning her yard into a charming escape. She "garbage picked" and refinished beautiful pieces of furniture that led to others seeking her out to refinish their own treasures. She dug out her stored photos and created beautiful displays, transforming her basement into a warm and inviting living area. She provided generous amounts of time and energy to helping friends who were in dire circumstances. She had more time for family and friends. She laughed and loved and lived. Is this really the portrait of a horrible year? Maybe she didn't reach some of her goals and no, she didn't add to her financial security, but look at what she gained. Wittingly or unwittingly, consciously or unconsciously there had been growth, there had been success, and there had been forward movement. What's missing is gratitude. Even in the worst moments of our lives, good things are happening. When we focus in gratitude on those good things, the "bad" things are magically transformed. Every time.

I challenge you to make 2010 the year of gratitude. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Spike it if you want to, but make sure you enjoy and are grateful for each and every delicious drop!

Gratitude is contagious. Start an epidemic

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